Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A new pet

Last night we bought the kids a dwarf hamster. No name yet for the little guy. Kyler is pretty curious about what exactly he can do with this hamster. Basically he just gets to stare at him though alongside the cats staring while licking their chops! We have been so busy lately. Last weekend we went to Silver Lake and we went tubing down the Muskegon River!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rainbow Ranch was fun!

Nieces and Nephews

Some Silver Lake Pics

Been a while!

Its been a while since I posted anything! Summer is in full swing and I am so busy with the kids. Thankfully, there is always something around Toledo to do. For example: The new kids exhibit at the zoo, tons of festivals, Maumee Bay swimming, camping and lots of family time in the backyard. Kyler is a flavor-ice addict. He has now learned that if he puts his old wrapper in the garbage that dad will be so happy so he gets another one! Logan is doing great in karate and Corey has also joined the adult class so they both go twice a week. Kyler started daycare last week. He is going twice a week right now. He screams every time I drop him off. He needs to learn that mom and dad do come back though! About 5 minutes after I leave his teacher said he does great with the other kids.